Get Active this Spring: Fitness Resources for MSU Employees

Warmer weather on the horizon means more opportunities to get outside and get active! If you need some ideas to encourage you and your family get active this spring, the following resources and opportunities are available for MSU employees:

In-person Opportunities

  • Biking: One of the easiest ways to add exercise to your daily routine is to attach it to an activity or habit you perform already, such as your commute to work. MSU Bikes provides support with commuter resources to help you bike to work with confidence, including a 1-on-1 Bike Commuter Assistance service which helps you find the safest, lowest-stress route to and from campus to your neighborhood. MSU Bikes also rents bikes to departments for staff to use during the work day with their Department Fleet Services. Bikes are a great way to get around campus for meetings, lunches, errands, or a nice break! Save the hassle of traffic, offer a healthy alternative for your staff breaks/on-campus transportation, and avoid problems finding car parking by adding a bike to your department transportation fleet. If you’re working remotely, find several Greater Lansing area biking groups to join instead. The MSU Bikes Service Center also offers new and used bikes, rentals (long and short term), as well as a repair service.
  • Sailing, Stand-Up Paddleboarding, and Kayaking: The MSU Sailing Center is located on Lake Lansing in Haslett just east of campus. The Sailing Center strives to provide a safe, supportive, and welcoming learning environment for all participants. Consider participating in one of their many programs, including a learn-to-sail course, paddle sports, group outings, and private lessons. MSU employees can receive a discounted rate for membership.
  • Midday Movement Series: On the third Wednesday of each month, stop by the MSU Library for a variety of classes to help get you moving this spring! From 12:10 to 12:50 p.m., get your move on and bring athletic shoes, water, and a towel. Register here to save your spot.
  • Tennis: At the MSU Tennis Center you can book a court for singles or doubles or participate in one of their adult instructional classes or drill sessions. There’s something for everyone with classes geared toward both beginners and pro-level players.
  • Golf: MSU Forest Akers offers teaching programs for golfers of all ages and abilities, including adult group classes (currently full but waitlist available) or private instruction, and a casual golf league for all skill levels (league is full but fill out the form to sub). MSU employees can also access the golf range and courses at discounted rates.
  • Swimming: Present a valid staff or faculty ID to use one of the pools available on campus for laps or open swimming during designated pool hours.
  • Group Fitness Classes: MSU Recreational Sports and Fitness offers a variety of group fitness classes with membership pricing for MSU employees.

Virtual Opportunities

  • MSU Benefits Plus offers a bunch of fitness and wellness discounts, including gym memberships and personal training. After you log in to MSU Benefits Plus, select Deals from the top navigation, then Gyms and Health Clubs to see all current offerings.
  • Sign up for virtual chair yoga, midday movement series, and Desk Decompress through the Move More @ Work programs provided by University Health and Wellbeing.

Articles and Resources to Increase Motivation:

  • University Health and Wellbeing offers current, evidence-informed information employees can use to further their understanding of fitness. Topics covered include Benefits to Being Physically Active and Ways to Move More During the Workday.

Tips and Benefits Resources for Heart Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Cardiovascular disease, which refers to several conditions including coronary artery disease (CAD), heart attack, stroke, heart failure, arrhythmia, and heart valve problems, results in one death every 33 seconds (CDC, 2024). 

It’s important to note that cardiovascular disease is no longer something people only have to worry about as they get older. The CDC states, “In 2022, about 1 out of every 5 deaths from cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) was among adults younger than 65 years old” (CDC, 2024).

The good news is cardiovascular disease is largely preventable by living a healthy lifestyle. The following tips and MSU benefit resources will help keep you and your family healthy: 

  • Know Your Numbers: Take charge of your health by knowing your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels and take steps to improve them if needed.
    • Schedule your annual wellness check-up. Many miss their annual check-up because they forget or don’t prioritize them. It’s important to schedule your yearly visit so your doctor can check these numbers and other important health metrics. If you’re enrolled in an MSU health plan, you can learn more about your plan and find links to find a provider on the HR website. 
    • Use Livongo by Teladoc Health for Diabetes Management.  Livongo is a diabetes management program that provides unlimited test strips, connected meter, optional coaching, online records, and more – all FREE for MSU employees and their eligible dependents who are enrolled in an MSU health plan. Learn more about Livongo and how to sign up
  • Support Your Mental Health: According to the American Heart Association, “Increasing evidence shows that biological and chemical factors that trigger mental health issues may also influence heart disease” (AHA, 2023). These chemical changes can predispose people to other health issues, such as cardiovascular disease. Utilize these resources to support your mental health:
  • Evaluate Your Diet: Eating foods high in salt, sugar, saturated, and/or trans fats can cause high blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, which may increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
    • Eat a Plant-Forward (Plant-Based) Diet. Make sure the majority of your calories come from fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts/seeds (American Heart Association, 2025). If you must eat dairy and/or meat, look for low-fat, lean, and unprocessed options. The AHA recommends a list of the best plant-based sources of protein and offers insight into protein and heart health
    • Beware Unexpected Sources of Sodium. The top ten sources of sodium in the American diet include some unexpected items, including bread, sandwiches, cold cuts, pizza, rice, and soups (CDC, 2024). 
    • Food and Nutrition Counseling for MSU Employees. MSU University Health and Wellbeing offers one-on-one counseling and additional resources  to promote a non-diet approach that uses an eating competence model and a weight-inclusive approach to support health. 
  • Get Regular Physical Activity: The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week – that’s just 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
  • Quit Smoking. Smoking harms almost every part of the body, including your heart (AHA, 2023). It’s never too late to quit and there are both short- and long-term benefits to giving up smoking.


American Heart Association (2022, May 6). Smoking both traditional and e-cigarettes may carry same heart risks as Cigarettes alone. Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

American Heart Association (2023, December 20). How does plant-forward (plant-based) eating benefit your health? Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

American Heart Association (2024, January 10). What is cardiovascular disease? Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

American Heart Association (2024, January 19). American Heart Association recommendations for physical activity in adults and kids. Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

American Heart Association. (n.d.). How can I quit smoking? Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

CDC. “About Sodium and Health.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed 27 Jan. 2025

CDC. “Heart Disease Facts.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed 27 Jan. 2025,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, June 6). About Sodium. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, May 15). Heart disease facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

Michigan State University. “Functional Movement Screening.” Functional Movement Screening | Health Promotion & Engagement | Michigan State University, Accessed 27 Jan. 2025.

Michigan State University. “Bike Commuter Resources.” MSU Bikes Blog, 8 Nov. 2024,

Michigan State University. “Cessation Resources.” Cessation | Tobacco & Smoke Free MSU | Michigan State University, Accessed 27 Jan. 2025,

Michigan State University. “Comprehensive Fitness Assessment.” Comprehensive Fitness Assessment | Health Promotion & Engagement | Michigan State University, Accessed 27 Jan. 2025.

Michigan State University. “Spartan Wellness Training.” Spartan Wellness Training | Recreational Sports and Fitness Services | Michigan State University, Accessed 27 Jan. 2025. Human Resources. “Happy World Mental Health Day!” SourceLive, 10 October 2024,

Did You Sign Up for an FSA for 2025? Find Tips and Resources to Get Started.

Welcome to 2025 and your flexible spending account (FSA) funds! If you signed up for a 2025 FSA during Open Enrollment last October, you’re on your way to saving money on out-of-pocket medical and/or dependent care expenses. MSU’s FSA plan administrator is HealthEquity/WageWorks. If this is your first time participating in an FSA, make sure you register for your online HealthEquity/WageWorks account.

If you have a Dependent Care FSA, you can use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible dependent care services, such as child or adult daycare, preschool, and before/after school programs. Find a complete list of eligible dependent care expenses here.

If you have a Health Care FSA, you can purchase various products and services with pre-tax dollars – which means it’s like a 30% off sale on eligible expenses. 1Find a complete list of eligible health care expenses here. Some items2 you may not know about include:

  • Allergy medication
  • Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer
  • Bandages
  • Braces
  • Breastfeeding classes
  • Cough syrup
  • Eyeglasses
  • Feminine Care Products
  • First-aid kits
  • Hearing aids
  • Humidifier/air filter
  • Pain relievers
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Prescriptions
  • Smoking cessation drugs
  • Sunscreen
  • Thermometer

To make shopping for eligible health care FSA expenses easier, visit the online FSA Store for the largest selection of guaranteed FSA-eligible products.

Managing Your FSA Account

Managing your HealthEquity/WageWorks account is quick and easy with the EZ Receipts App. You’ll love the convenience of submitting claims, uploading receipts, and checking account balances directly from your phone.

What if I still have funds left over from my 2024 FSA?

Not to worry – if you still have funds left over from your 2024 FSA, you have until March 15, 2025, to use these funds and until April 30, 2025, to submit receipts to substantiate these claims.

How Do I Sign Up for an FSA?

Benefits-eligible employees are eligible to enroll in an FSA during Open Enrollment in October each year or if they experience a qualifying life event.

Questions? For more detailed information contact HealthEquity customer service directly at 877-924-3967 or visit the HealthEquity/WageWorks website.

1 Assumes a combined tax rate of 30%, including FICA, state, and federal income taxes. Actual amounts may vary.

2 Some items may require a doctor’s prescription or other documentation from your doctor. Please see your account details for more information.

Professional Goals and the Resources to Help You Reach Them

For many, the start of a new year brings a desire to set new goals – both professionally and personally. As you think about the past year, try to pinpoint areas you’d like to work on. Check out What’s Your Plan: Six Steps to Align Your Goals with What’s Important to You if you don’t know where to start. You’ll learn how creating a personal strategic plan can provide a “vision and structure for your professional life and an anchor for you to connect with during periods of change.”

Review the common work-related goals below to see if any resonate with you and use the articles and learning opportunities provided by HR’s Organization and Professional Development (OPD) department to help you reach them.

As you think about what you want to work on in the coming year and beyond, consider tying them to your Performance Excellence goals (for support staff). For more information about how to set yourself up for success as you identify goals, check out this When SMART Meets HARD: Setting Goals that Matter article.

Take Action Now to Reduce End of Year Stress

Ready or not, December is almost here. When you think about the remainder of the year, how do you feel? If thoughts of work deadlines, family get-togethers, or planning for the holidays and new year ahead have you feeling overwhelmed or anxious, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are practices and resources we can utilize to help us center ourselves and approach this time of year with a healthier mindset. 

Consider Your Sphere of Influence 

We all know allowing worry to grow uninhibited can lead to a number of negative consequences, be it with our health, work performance, or relationships. So, why do we allow our minds to spend so much time in a state of worry?  In a previous blog post, Jennie Schaeffer, Director of MSU Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs, discussed how worry can seem very active — spending time in that mindset can feel like you are working on something productive — but in reality, you are burning through energy that could be better spent. 

When you notice yourself worrying about what might happen, stop and ask yourself, “What can I do about it now?” One way to visualize this is the Sphere of Influence. 

Three circles on top of each other. The inner circle is labeled "control," the middle circle is labeled "possible influence, but no control," and the outer circle is labeled "no control."

Within the Sphere, there are three areas: 

  • No Control. If there is absolutely nothing you can do to change or influence a situation, you can only assess whether you can learn from it, then let it go and refocus on something else. This would apply to things like the weather, supply chain issues this season, or flight cancelations. To reduce feelings of worry and improve your well-being, spend minimal time and energy regarding any matters that fall within this area of the sphere. 
  • Possible Influence but No Control. If there is a step you can take that may influence an outcome, person, or situation, determine what action you can take to maximize that influence, follow through, and then let it go. Resist the temptation to convince yourself that worrying about it means it is within your control. 
  • Control. If the issue you are wrestling with is completely within your control, then you have control over your decisions, attitude, and behavior. What action can you take that you’ve been putting off? What self-care practice can you initiate to support your well-being? When you practice shifting your focus and attention to what is within your control rather than allowing what is out of your control to consume your time and thoughts, feelings of helplessness and overwhelm decrease significantly. 

Make Yourself a Priority 

When asked why we don’t make our well-being a higher priority, the most common answer is: not enough time. Although we can’t add more hours to the day (No Control area of the Sphere of Influence), we can take actionable steps to better manage our time and carve out space to improve our overall wellness (Control area of the sphere). 

Here are a few ideas to help you focus your energy on areas you can control when it comes to your well-being this time of year. 

  • Schedule downtime. Block downtime off on your Outlook calendar like you would for a meeting or other work engagement. 
  • Set positive boundaries. Check out the following articles as a starting point: 
  • Be selective. Most of us have an extraordinary number of demands placed on us, and this time of year often brings on even more. Before you commit to anything additional, give yourself a little time to consider: do I really need to do this right now
  • Get back to the basics. Consider your current relationship with sleep, physical activity, and eating. What are one or two simple steps you could take to improve your physical health? Even something as small as not having your cell phone next to your bed at night or scheduling short blocks of time on your calendar to stretch at your desk can have a tremendous impact. Ensuring your basic, physical needs are met helps ensure a solid foundation for all aspects of your well-being. 

Utilize Your Resources 

One major goal within MSU’s strategic plan is to support the “well-being of staff, faculty, and postdoctoral research associates at MSU, focusing on creating a best-in-class workplace culture and environment in which excellence and opportunity thrive.” From one-on-one counseling to self-paced learning opportunities, many resources are available to you as an MSU employee to improve your well-being and take care of yourself this year and beyond. Recommendations to get you started are listed below, along with contact information for specialists at MSU who can provide extra support. 

Spartan Resilience Programs  |  Spartan Resilience sees to provide opportunities for any Spartan, anywhere to develop (or strengthen) the skills needed to effectively respond to their unique collection of challenges. Courses include Informal Mindfulness, Developing Emotional Resilience, Navigating Hard Times with Empathy and Self-Compassion, and much more. 

elevateU  | Free, self-paced resources including short videos, online courses, and books around a wide variety of topics. Highlighted topics include: 

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)  | Free, confidential counseling for all faculty, staff, retirees, graduate student employees, and their families. 

Opening Image Credit: Centre for Aging Better Age-Positive Image Library 

Happy World Mental Health Day!

October 10th is World Mental Health Day! While mental health is one of the foundations of health and well-being, it can often fall low on the list of priorities in the work setting. The World Health Organization has established this year’s theme of “It Is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace” to promote mental health awareness at work.  

Good mental health is vital to our overall well-being. Yet one in eight people globally are living with mental health conditions, which can impact their physical health, their well-being, how they connect with others, and their livelihoods. Mental health conditions are also affecting an increasing number of adolescents and young people. 

Work should never get in the way of maintaining good mental health, however, a busy schedule may make resources appear inaccessible. In honor of World Mental Health Day, here are some resources you can use at MSU and in your personal life. 

MSU Resources: 

Teladoc: MSU faculty and staff and their dependents currently enrolled in an MSU health plan have access to Teladoc – an online medical care service that gives you 24/7 access to a healthcare professional via web, phone, or mobile app in minutes. Teladoc’s services extend to behavioral health (anxiety, depression, grief counseling, etc.). 

University Health and Wellbeing: MSU employees have access to an Employee Assistance Program which provides confidential counseling at no cost. To best fit your work schedule, MSU offers both Zoom and in-person appointments.  

Health4U: Health4U focuses on all aspects of health with resources, support groups and educational courses. They offer a variety of resources dealing with mindfulness, psychological flexibility and more.  

Local Resources: 

24-Hour Crisis Services (Walk-In and Mobile):  The City of East Lansing provides walk-in or mobile crisis counseling and mental health assistance around the clock. 

Online Mental Health Screening: Ingham County Health Department offers free and anonymous behavioral health screening, linking resources connected to your results. 

University of Michigan Health-Sparrow Behavioral Health Services: Sparrow Hospital offers psychiatric and behavioral health services including holistic care in an external environment and art, music and yoga therapy.  

You matter, your mental health matters, so join us in celebrating the 75th annual World Mental Health Day by taking charge of your own mental health with these resources and more. MSU resources and benefits are available to get you—or keep you—on the path to a healthy body and healthy mind. Learn more about World Mental Health Day on the World Health Organization website.

Get Active this Spring: Fitness Resources for MSU Employees

Warmer weather on the horizon means more opportunities to get outside! If you need some ideas to help you and your family get active this spring, the following resources and opportunities are available for MSU employees:

In-person Opportunities

  • Biking: One of the easiest ways to add exercise to your daily routine is to attach it to an activity or habit you perform already, such as your commute to work. MSU Bikes provides support with commuter resources to help you bike to work with confidence, including a 1-on-1 Bike Commuter Assistance service which helps you find the safest, lowest-stress route to and from campus to your neighborhood. MSU Bikes also rents bikes to departments for staff to use during the work day with their Department Fleet Services. Bikes are a great way to get around campus for meetings, lunches, errands, or a nice break! Save the hassle of traffic, offer a healthy alternative for your staff breaks/on-campus transportation, and avoid problems finding car parking by adding a bike to your department transportation fleet. If you’re working remotely, find several Greater Lansing area biking groups to join instead. The MSU Bikes Service Center also offers new and used bikes, rentals (long and short term), as well as a repair service.
  • Sailing, Stand-Up Paddleboarding, and Kayaking: The MSU Sailing Center is located on Lake Lansing in Haslett just east of campus. The Sailing Center strives to provide a safe, supportive, and welcoming learning environment for all participants. Consider participating in one of their many programs, including a learn-to-sail course, paddle sports, group outings, and private lessons. MSU employees can receive a discounted rate for membership.
  • Tennis: At the MSU Tennis Center you can book a court for singles or doubles or participate in one of their adult instructional classes or drill sessions. There’s something for everyone with classes geared toward both beginners and pro-level players.
  • Golf: MSU Forest Akers offers teaching programs for golfers of all ages and abilities, including adult group classes (currently full but waitlist available) or private instruction, and a casual golf league for all skill levels (league is full but fill out the form to sub). MSU employees can also access the golf range and courses at discounted rates.
  • Swimming: Present a valid staff or faculty ID to use one of the pools available on campus for laps or open swimming during designated pool hours.
  • Group Fitness Classes: MSU Recreational Sports and Fitness offers a variety of group fitness classes with membership pricing for MSU employees.

Virtual Opportunities

  • MSU Benefits Plus offers a bunch of fitness and wellness discounts, including gym memberships and personal training. After you log in to MSU Benefits Plus, select Deals from the top navigation, then Gyms and Health Clubs to see all current offerings.
  • Sign up for a virtual Chair Yoga, Good Form Walking/Running, or Spring Active Office Workshop classes through MSU Health4U.

Articles and Resources to Increase Motivation:

Work-Related Goals with Resources to Help You Achieve Them

Updated December 2023

For many, the start of a new year brings a desire to set new goals – both professionally and personally. As you think about the past year, try to pinpoint areas you’d like to work on. Check out What’s Your Plan: Six Steps to Align Your Goals with What’s Important to You if you don’t know where to start. You’ll learn how creating a personal strategic plan can provide a “vision and structure for your professional life and an anchor for you to connect with during periods of change.”

Review the following common work-related goals below to see if any resonate with you and use the articles and learning opportunities provided by HR’s Organization and Professional Development (OPD) department to help you reach them.

As you think about what you want to work on in the coming year and beyond, consider tying them to your Performance Excellence goals (for support staff). For more information about how to set yourself up for success as you identify goals, check out this When SMART Meets HARD: Setting Goals that Matter article.

Self-Improvement Month

September is Self-Improvement Month! Self-improvement can be related to many things, whether it’s learning something new, maximizing a strength or focusing on your physical or emotional wellbeing. Celebrate this month by taking some time for yourself, growing and using these MSU resources to help get you started.

Creating and Sustaining a Positive Workplace

Take advantage of this personal development course in October. The Creating and Sustaining a Positive Workplace course will help you break the seven habits of negativity and other secrets of getting along. For more information, click here. 

Take a Walk Around MSU

Utilize our beautiful campus or take a stroll through the East Lansing area. Taking a walk is great exercise, but can also improve your mental and emotional well-being.

TIAA Webinar: Strategies for Staying on Track

The WorkLife Office is hosting a webinar to help you stay on track of your financial goals. This opportunity will give you tips on how to have a solid financial future even after you’ve stopped working. For more information, click here

Identify and Maximize Your Strengths

This course will teach you how to benefit most from your strengths based on your CliftonStrengths Assessment. The assessment identifies your natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, so that you can discover what makes you exceptional and maximize your potential. For more information, click here

Spartan Clothing Swap

Work on your self-improvement by cleaning out your closet, helping the planet and giving back to others in the community. The Surplus Store and Recycling Center are hosting a clothing swap where you can swap your clothes in good condition with others and keep them out of the waste stream. For more information, click here. 

Wellbeing Wednesdays: Supporting Each Other Through the Next New Normal

The WorkLife Office and Health4U have partnered to bring you Wellbeing Wednesdays. This informal webinar will focus on how we can support each other during continued change and the importance of self-care. For more information, click here

Ready, Set, Change!

This personal development course will demonstrate how organizational change can result in better outcomes. Join this November to improve and take charge of your organizational environment. For more information, click here

Strings Sing: 2022 Music and the Garden Series

Take in the natural beauty of the W.J. Beal Botanical Garden, relax, and enjoy some chamber music and jazz at the 2022 Music and the Garden Series. For more information, click here. 

Women’s Networking Association: All Things Women’s Health – Understanding and Taking Care of Your Body

The Women’s Networking Association will host this webinar to teach women how to best take care of and listen to their bodies. For more information, click here. 

The Power of Habit™

This personal development course will teach you how to replace undesirable habits with productive ones. Join us in October, and kick those bad habits for good! For more information, click here.  

Share your favorite self-improvement tips and comment below!

Tackle Savings, Debt, and More During America Saves Week 2022

America Saves Week is February 21-25, 2022! This week is an annual event that encourages you to learn and plan for increased savings, lower debt, investing, and preparing for retirement. You can do all this using resources provided to employees by the university and our benefits partners. Both of MSU’s retirement partners, Fidelity and TIAA, offer ways to plan during this week. This includes live webinars, courses for financial literacy, and other resources. Through America Saves Week, you have access to planning tools for managing financial emergencies, which can be very useful during these uncertain times. 

Fidelity Resources

Check out online workshops from Fidelity that cover topics including “Ditch your Debt,” “Manage Unexpected Events and Expenses,” and “Invest Confidently for Your Future,” among many other topics throughout the week. All the programs can be attended live by registering here and important information can be viewed on-demand as workshops here. Interested in learning the specifics about Fidelity’s rainy day investment and savings plans? Visit their Netbenefits site. Other tools and calculators provided by Fidelity to their MSU members can be found here

TIAA Resources

If you feel dissatisfied about your current financial situation, TIAA wants to remind you that you are not alone. Read the 2021 TIAA Personal Finance Index and learn that it’s not just you. Some ways you can start to build financial resiliency with TIAA include contributing to your retirement savings, paying down debt, and growing an emergency fund. According to a survey conducted by TIAA, having more in retirement savings is a top contributor to financial resiliency. Visit the EBS portal to learn more about your contribution options. You can also read about financial vulnerability and how to avoid it in this published study, created to help millennials address their finances.

Schedule a Virtual Consultation with Fidelity or TIAA

Both Fidelity and TIAA offer virtual appointments with financial consultants! Be sure to set up an appointment to get your questions answered for no additional cost. Set up your Fidelity consulting appointment here or set up your TIAA consulting appointment here.

For general questions about retirement, contact the HR Solutions Center at or (517) 353-4434 or visit the HR website. For questions about your specific financial plans, contact your vendor.