A Spartan Valentine’s Day

This Thursday, February 14, is Valentine’s Day. Haven’t thought of a way to spend the day? No worries! We’ve come up with a few fun, local ways to spend Valentine’s Day with a special someone in your life.

Heart on the Red Cedar River
A heart shaped by footprints on the frozen Red Cedar River. Photo courtesy of Communications and Brand Strategy.

1. Walk along the Red Cedar River

This time of year the banks of the Red Cedar River can be quite beautiful. Swing by Sparty’s to grab a coffee or hot cocoa, then meander along the winding river and enjoy the winter scenery that MSU has to offer.Continue Reading… A Spartan Valentine’s Day

8 Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions!

It’s about the time of year when people tend to stray away from their New Year’s resolutions. In fact, according to a study by University of Scranton, only 8% of New Year’s resolutions are actually achieved. But fear not! We’ve got 8 tips to help you keep your resolutions going strong.New Year's Resolutions List

1.     Make it routine

Old habits are hard to kick and new habits are hard to build. According to an article from Psychology Today, it can take anywhere from 8 to 254 days to build a habit. Practicing your resolution can turn it into a habit.Continue Reading… 8 Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions!

Get Moving with These Wellness Opportunities!

MSU is offering some great opportunities to increase your movement!

You may have already heard about the MSU Moves “Walk on Wednesdays!” program. The first walk, the “frosty walk” edition, is tomorrow, January 30 from 12:15 p.m. to 1 p.m. There are four starting locations to choose from, including the Student Services building main entrance, the north entrance of Plant and Soil Sciences, the northwest corner of Communication Arts and Sciences, and the Nisbet building main entrance. Representatives will be at each location to pass out walking loop maps and answer questions. More information can be found on the MSU Moves Facebook event.Continue Reading… Get Moving with These Wellness Opportunities!

Come Skate at Munn Ice Arena this Winter!

Trying to find a way to stay active in the winter? Head over to Munn Ice Arena and take advantage of public skating, open hockey and freestyle skating.

Public skating admission prices are $5 for the public, or $4 for MSU Students, staff or faculty with ID, along with anyone under 18. If you do not have ice skates, Munn has rental skates available for only $2!Continue Reading… Come Skate at Munn Ice Arena this Winter!

MLK Day 2013 Events: “The Road to Social Justice Begins with One Step”

In celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 21, the MSU community has scheduled a few days of free events to commemorate MLK’s work and legacy. This year’s theme is “The Road to Social Justice Begins with One Step.”

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Social Justice Films and Dialogue: “The Loving Story”, 7 p.m., Main Library North Conference Room (4th Floor West)

Saturday, January 19, 2013 Continue Reading… MLK Day 2013 Events: “The Road to Social Justice Begins with One Step”

Driving Safely in Winter Weather

It’s that time of year—slushy, slippery roads are here. But fear not! MDOT has tips and reminders to keep you safe while driving on Michigan roads this winter.

  • Slow down when visibility is low and/or when road conditions are snowy or icy— in ice and snow, take it slow!
  • Give snowplow drivers plenty of room to plow and salt/sand the roads— snowplows need room to groom!
  • Be extra cautious on bridges because they can be icy when roadways are dry
  • Accelerate and brake slowly and avoid abrupt steering maneuvers, especially when merging or changing lanes
  • Don’t pump anti-lock brakes
  • Don’t text or talk on the phone while drivingContinue Reading… Driving Safely in Winter Weather

LinkedIn can connect you to more MSU alumnae

Social media has taken the world by storm, but it’s more than just a tool for connecting with friends. It’s becoming a medium for networking with colleagues and future employers/employees.

LinkedIn is a free site that allows you to build an online presence and connect with other people in your field. Your profile is essentially an in-depth version of your resume. A spot for a professional photo, achievement and skill sections, and tips on how to improve your profile are provided by the site.Continue Reading… LinkedIn can connect you to more MSU alumnae

Take Advantage of Sick Child Care and Emergency Child Care

Family Resource Center’s (FRC) Sick Child Care brings quality care and peace of mind to MSU parents when their children are mildly ill. This service brings qualified home-care aids into your home to look after your ill child when you are unable to take time off work or school.

Each MSU family is eligible for 16 hours of subsidized sick child care per child, per fiscal year, to be used in blocks of three hours or more. If a family requres more than 16 hours of care they may call FRC for authorization to extend the hours of care provided, depending on the nature of the illness and recovery time. MSU subsidizes 70 percent of the cost, meaning Employees only need to pay $5.80 per hour for a home aide.Continue Reading… Take Advantage of Sick Child Care and Emergency Child Care

MSU Museum Exhibit Reflects on Silent Spring Book and Its Impacts

The MSU Museum is host to many wonderful and insightful exhibits. A major exhibition program for 2012 is “Echoes of Silent Spring: 50 Years of Environmental Awareness.”

The exhibit derives from the book Silent Spring, written by Rachel Carson and published in 1962. Silent Spring alerted the public to the potential dangers in pesticide use, which resulted in intense scrutiny to the use of pesticide. The book presents research with close connection to Michigan State University’s wildlife studies. “Echoes of Silent Spring” goes beyond the book and considers many interrelated issues, such as environmental sustainability, agricultural practices, ethics, law and women in science.Continue Reading… MSU Museum Exhibit Reflects on Silent Spring Book and Its Impacts

Happy Thanksgiving, MSU! What are you thankful for?

In spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we asked MSU faculty, staff and students what they were truly thankful for. Here is what they had to say:"Give Thanks" Gourd

Spring Eisenzimmer, senior, Hospitality Business major, Akers Forest Golf Shop associate: “I’m thankful for my friends and experiences these past four years in the Spartan Marching band.”

Cindy Brink, Kellogg Center Gift Shop employee, was happy and thankful for her job.Continue Reading… Happy Thanksgiving, MSU! What are you thankful for?