It’s the end of the year and MSU Human Resources has accomplished so much, but we still have so much farther to go. As a new year approaches and another one ends, MSU HR would like to say “Season’s Greetings” to all MSU faculty and staff. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a great start to the New Year! Check out this video of pictures of MSU in the winter.
Filling a prescription can be time-consuming, but with MSU HealthTeam Pharmacies the process can become a lot easier. MSU HealthTeam Pharmacies include the Olin Health Center Pharmacy and the Clinical Center Pharmacy, both located on MSU’s campus. Each pharmacy offers free on-campus prescription pick-up and delivery, free patient consultation, prescription transfer service, patient medical expense reports and a wide selection of prescription and over-the-counter products. Also, each pharmacy offers a 90-day supply of prescriptions unlike other non-mail order prescription pharmacies.
Save time and money with prescription deliveries straight to your office at MSU.
The Pharmacy Delivery Service provided by the MSU HealthTeam Pharmacies, will pick up your prescription from your office on campus, fill it and deliver it within two business days. The Delivery Service is available Monday through Friday and accepts checks, cash, Visa, Discover or MasterCard for payment.
New prescriptions to be filled must be brought to Olin or the Clinical Center or called or faxed in by a doctor’s office. To transfer a prescription, the prescription bottle or package can be brought to either pharmacy. Prescription transfers can also be made over the phone by calling Olin or the Clinical Center with the name and phone number of the pharmacy where the prescription was last filled, the prescription number and the name of the medication. The MSU Pharmacy staff will then transfer and refill your prescription. Refills can be called in 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In addition to the MSU HealthTeam Pharmacies, Caremark which administers the prescription coverage for MSU faculty and staff, also offers a mail-order service.
“Caremark is our prescription coverage and the company who administers our prescription plan. It is also considered CVS Pharmacy. However, with the Caremark Prescription coverage, employees are not limited to use CVS pharmacies,” said Benefits Representative Jennifer Hensley. “Caremark mail orders are basically the same in regard to getting the 90-day supply and saving money on co-pays. Further, the prescription is delivered right to your home.”
For the Olin Pharmacy and the Clinical Center Pharmacy hours and locations, visit the HealthTeam Pharmacy website. For more information on Caremark, visit their website at
Staying active and eating healthy are essential steps in maintaining your wellbeing throughout the winter months. To assist you in staying healthy this winter, here are five tips from Health4U Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian Peggy Crum.
Physical activity combined with a balanced diet can help you avoid the cold and flu this winter.
1. While it is tempting to hibernate in the winter, it is better to keep active.
Exercise invigorates the immune system by speeding up the cells that fight off bacteria. You don’t have to be a super athlete for this to happen—a moderate amount of exercise such as a daily walk will do. Check out this list of indoor walking facilities for places to flex your legs.
2.Get adequate sleep. Your immune system relies on sleep to stay healthy. Ongoing sleep deficiency can change the way the immune system responds, leading to trouble in fighting common infections.Continue Reading… 5 Tips to Stay Healthy in the Winter
Winter is among us and while we may be dreaming of the summer months, the reality is we have to prepare for the season at-hand. To assist you in getting your house ready for the winter season, here are 10 tips from an article by MSN Real Estate.
Prepare your home for the winter season and avoid costly repairs and chilly living areas.
1. Clean your gutters Clean debris from your gutter by hand, spatula or scrapper. A clogged drain can cause ice dams to form and water to leak into your house.
2. Block leaks around your house Patch any leaks that are in your house and outside your house. You can use outlet gaskets for electrical outlets where cold air enters and seal outside leaks with weather-resistant caulk.Continue Reading… How to Prepare Your Home for the Winter
It’s that time of the year, when the air is chilly and the leaves are falling. Snow and ice will soon follow, but luckily for walkers and runners everywhere there are several indoor walking facilities available in the Greater Lansing area to help keep you on track.
IM East offers a variety of outlets for exercising, including an indoor track.
Jenison Field House offers an indoor track available to faculty, staff and students. Availability of the track varies each day due to classes and possible events. The track is not available on weekends and typically closed on Fridays and Mondays for event setup and/or break down. The best way to discover if the track is available is to make a trip to Jenison on the day you want to walk and inquire.Continue Reading… Flex Your Legs on Indoor Walking and Running Tracks
Winter is coming and although you may want to stay indoors, chances are you’ll need to travel to work, the grocery store, a friend’s house or someplace else. With winter soon approaching, preparing your car for the foreboding season is essential. To assist you in getting your car ready for the winter season, here are eight tips from an article by SpareFoot.
Don’t let snow, ice and colder temperatures ruin your car. Prepare your car for the winter months to keep it in working condition.
1. Check your tires
Make sure your tires have sufficient tread and the right amount of air pressure.
2. Check your oil
Colder temperatures can cause oil in a car to thicken. Thick oil cannot properly lubricate your engine, which might cause damage to it. Oil with a lower viscosity is recommended. Check your owner’s manual for the right kind.Continue Reading… How to Prepare Your Car for the Winter
Have you used an HR Toolkit yet? Toolkits are web pages where we have gathered all of the relevant information for a process in one convenient place.
This month we are shining the spotlight on Toolkits for Support Staff. We have information about making benefit changes when you have a life event like birth, adoption or marriage. If you need a new Staff ID or need to update your Direct Deposit information, we’ve got you covered in the Employment Information Toolkit. Ready for a new career challenge? Check out the Applying for Support Staff Positions Toolkit; it guides you through creating a profile on, searching and applying for open positions. And whether you are a new employee or are ready to think about retirement, we have links to the information you need to make retirement plans too.
Explore the toolkits from our home page under What’s New >> HR Toolkits. We will announce new toolkits in the What’s New section as they are developed. Check back often as we have plans to continually expand our offerings.
The holidays are right around the corner and what better way to celebrate than with a festival of lights at the 29th annual Silver Bells in the City celebration on Friday, Nov. 22 in downtown Lansing.
Celebrate the holiday season at the annual Silver Bells in the City celebration.
Silver Bells in the City is an annual event coordinated by Downtown Lansing, Inc. The event draws thousands of people from across Michigan for entertainment, a parade and a spectacle of lights. Started in 1985 by the Arts Council of Greater Lansing, the event has grown over the years, adding more attractions such as ice sculptures and carriage rides available to the public free of charge. In 1995, a Santa Parade was introduced and two years later the first Silver Bells Electric Light Parade took place. In 2010, the event was passed to Downtown Lansing, Inc.
“Silver Bells in the City is the premier holiday celebration for the Capitol City. It brings together the business community and typically brings in around 100,000 spectators for a night filled with holiday festivities,” said Cathleen Edgerly, communications & marketing manager for Downtown Lansing, Inc. “Many people have fond memories of this event and come back home to visit family or friends in the area, which means they are making hotel reservations, dining downtown, shopping; they schedule their holiday celebrations around the event. It’s truly the start of the holiday season for thousands.”
Silver Bells features a host of fun activities, such as the Silver Bells Shopping Village, the Silver Bells Holiday Fun Run, the lighting of the State Christmas Tree, musical performances by artists such as Disney’s IM5 band and much more.  The event’s activities start at 5 p.m. and take place at various locations across the downtown Lansing area. Each location hosts a different activity. The event schedule and list of locations is available on the event’s website.
A day at work can always be made better with music and a moment to relax, and that’s exactly what the Rest with Music series at MSU provides. The Rest with Music program helps connect faculty and staff to local musicians that provide a free 50-minute live music session every month at Abrams Planetarium.
“What we know about music is that music has the capacity to impact human emotions in ways that’s pretty phenomenal. We know that it reduces experiences of depression and anxiety. We know that it actually improves people’s health and there’s lots of both scientific and anecdotal evidence,” said Jonathon Novello, an employee assistance counselor with the University Physician’s Office at MSU.Continue Reading… Take a Break with the Rest with Music Series at MSU