Upcoming Walks in the Greater Lansing Community!

Are you looking to get involved in the Greater Lansing community? Here are some upcoming walks for great causes!

On Saturday, April 26, the March of Dimes is hosting its annual March for Babies Walk in Lansing. This is a safe, fun event for friends and family. The March of Dimes is setting lofty goals! The goal is to reach $104,000 in donations that goes directly toward improving the health of babies. Even if you can’t contribute financially, you can still make a difference by participating in the event. This is a great opportunity to help the families of those in need. To learn more, go to Marchforbabies.org.

MSU Walkers
There will be an abundance of walks and runs in Greater Lansing this spring! Photos courtesy of Communications and Brand Strategy.

The 2014 Komen Mid-Michigan Race for the Cure is Sunday, April 27! This is a wonderful opportunity to increase breast cancer awareness and research in Greater Lansing and beyond. For more information on how you can make a difference, go to komenmidmichigan.org. This is a golden opportunity to walk with your fellow community members in efforts to help others. This race is open to runners, walkers and anyone willing to give it a go!Continue Reading… Upcoming Walks in the Greater Lansing Community!

Unique Places to Eat at MSU

Are you tired of your regular lunch break routine? There are delicious and affordable meal options all over MSU’s campus, you just have to know where to look. Here are a few options that we recommend trying out on your next lunch break!

The MSU Dairy Store:

MSU Dairy Store
Photo courtesy of MSU Dairy Store’s Facebook page.

The Dairy Store has two locations on campus, one on Farm Lane in Anthony Hall, and the other inside the MSU Union. The Dairy Store is known for its variety of ice cream flavors and sweet treats as well as homemade cheese from local farms. Affordable lunch combinations are available every day at the Dairy Store; on Mondays, the Dairy Store offers a free cup of tomato soup with the purchase of a grilled cheese sandwich. To learn more about the MSU Dairy Store, check out their website!Continue Reading… Unique Places to Eat at MSU

Get Fresh Produce at MSU from the Student Organic Farm

Vegetable lovers have a resource right here on campus that provides access to organic produce. The Student Organic Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program has a summer-only membership option available that runs from June through October. The program offers produce such as potatoes, beets, rutabaga, onions, garlic, parsnips, carrots, cabbage and squash.

The Student Organic Farm provides vegetables to the Greater Lansing community and beyond.
The Student Organic Farm provides vegetables to the Greater Lansing community and beyond.

Individuals that sign up receive a fresh box of local organic produce each week from the Student Organic Farm, which they can pick up on Mondays from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at the Student Organic Farm located at 3291 College Road, Holt, MI 48842.

The Student Organic Farm also has a year-round CSA. The year-round program is the first year-round CSA in Michigan. Michigan residents who are members of the CSA can receive locally grown organic produce for 48 weeks of the year. In the winter, produce includes: kale, collards, scallions, herbs and chard to salad mix. The year-round program also includes summertime produce.Continue Reading… Get Fresh Produce at MSU from the Student Organic Farm

HR Toolkits: New Employees Start Here

When you start a new job, the last thing you want to do is search for the information you need right away. That’s when you want to start with HR Toolkits for new employees.  There’s a toolkit for what you should expect and bring with you to Support Staff Orientation, information about parking, ID Cards, and the all-important NetID.

You’ll also find information about changing dependent information for benefits, what retirement plans are available and how to enroll.

Support Staff Orientation – what to expect and bring with you to orientation

New Graduate Assistants – what you need to know before your first day

Life Events and Benefits – Birth, adoption, legal guardianship, loss of coverage, marital status changes, or loss of a loved one

Employment Information – ID cards, parking, NetIDs


What Retirement Plans are available at MSU?

How do I enroll as a New Hire or make changes in a Retirement Plan?

What Retirement Investment Vendors are available at MSU? 

How much can I contribute?


Further your Financial Knowledge!

Take a second to think, what is your Financial IQ? Do you know what an IRA is? What about stock certificates? April is “Financial Literacy Month” and MSU has partnered with TIAA-CREF to offer theWhat’s your Financial IQ?challenge. MSU Human Resources is proud to be a part of this initiative.

Financial IQ Flyer
How financially savvy are you? Test your knowledge with the Financial IQ Challenge.

The challenge not only allows you to check your financial knowledge, but you also have the chance to win one of three tablet computers! There are 15 unique quizzes for you to explore. TIAA-CREF offers all types of online tools and information to help prepare you for the challenge. Check out their website here. They have information on retiring, budgeting, investing and plenty of other helpful tips! The challenge goes through Wednesday, April 30.

The challenge questions are fun and informational for anyone willing to participate! Participants are entered to win one of the tablet computers every time they play. So go ahead, participate in the challenge. You have a ton to gain just by being willing to learn.

The MSU Science Festival Returns April 1!

Due to the great success of the first ever MSU Science Festival, Michigan State University will hold its second annual event on campus in East Lansing April 1-6, 2014! The MSU Science Festival is a celebration of how science is used every day in the lives of those young and old.

This six-day celebration will highlight several events, all of which are free and open the public. The MSU Science Festival is a great activity for families with children of all ages to enjoy together. Popular events from 2013 such as Butterflies in the Garden, and tours of the Recycling Center and Cyclotron, will return this year. New events will include Vet-A-Visit and a Nature Discovery drop-in area. The wide range of events and topics will certainly entertain the interests of science enthusiasts of all ages! Weekday evenings will feature events such as discussion panels, demonstrations, and night sky observations. The weekend will feature the expo area, which will consist of hands-on, interactive activities for all.

Celebrate your curiosity and see science come to life in the East Lansing Community at the MSU Science Festival this April! For more information about science festivals and the full schedule of events, visit the MSU Science Festival website.

MSU Science Festival Banner
Photo courtesy of MSU Science Festival Facebook page

MSU gets into the swing of Recyclemania!

More than 400 colleges and universities across the U.S. compete in this exciting challenge that encourages faculty, staff and students to recycle! We would love to see you all continue to be a part of this important initiative. Take some time to think about the importance of our environment and how we can Be Spartan Green today! Last year, MSU was the second biggest contributor to Recyclemania amongst the Big Ten! The challenge is focused on recycling white paper, mixed paper, books, cardboard, plastics, household metal, and glass. According to their main website, Recyclemania began in 2001 at Ohio University and Miami University.

Student Employees Recycling
Photo courtesy of Communications and Brand Strategy

Learn more at MSU Recycling’s website and check out the Be Spartan Green Facebook page for daily tips on recycling, reducing and reusing.

Winter Farmers Market Continues Through April

Who says you can’t find fresh home-grown goods in the winter? The Meridian Township Farmers Market comes out to Meridian Mall in Okemos every first and third Saturday of the month from December to April. Approximately 25-30 unique vendors are present at each market day. The event is located in the JC Penney corridor of the mall from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m., and will continue through April 19.Meridian Mall Farmers Market

Everything that is sold at the farmers market is grown locally or within the state of Michigan. It is the vendors’ commitment to the quality of their products and services that results in continued support from the community. The event will not only give the public an opportunity to purchase fresh, locally-grown produce, but it will also give them a chance to meet and talk to the farmers who provide the goods. Come in from the cold and see what these local providers have to offer! For more information about the farmers market, visit their Facebook page or the Meridian Charter Township website.

You may also wish to check out other great farmers markets open year-round in the Lansing area such as the Allen Street Farmers Market, Lansing City Market, Bath Farmers Market and the Holt Farmers Market.

Enjoy Low-Cost Open Skating at Munn Ice Arena!

Snowflakes are still falling all over East Lansing as we’ve come to the halfway mark of the spring semester. Everyone seems to be taking it easy as we approach spring break. There’s no time like now for ice-skating at Munn Ice Arena. MSU faculty, staff and students only pay $4 for admission into the arena. Skate rentals are $2. Ice-skating can be a blast! So go ahead, throw on your favorite MSU sweatshirt, and take your family and friends out for some fun. After skating, go to your favorite coffee shop for a warm cup of hot chocolate. This formula guarantees a great day for everyone involved. Munn Ice Arena is located directly across from IM Sports West on Chestnut Road and the Breslin Student Event Center on Birch Road. Hope to see you there!

MSU Skate Club
The MSU Skate Club performs at Munn Ice Arena. Photo courtesy of Communications and Brand Strategy.

Find High-Quality Products at the MSU Meat Lab

“Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat.” Fran Lebowitz

The MSU Meat Laboratory has been teaching and educating future meat scientists for years. The Lab has also provided quality meat products to the MSU community. The 67,000 square foot facility is located in Anthony Hall and is directed by the Department of Animal Science and the Department of Food Science.

When you buy products from the MSU Meat Lab, you are buying “Spartan” meat.
When you buy products from the MSU Meat Lab, you are buying “Spartan” meat.

The Lab focuses on four areas: education, outreach/extension, meat judging and student employment. The Lab provides carcasses for class instruction and research projects. The Lab in conjunction with Meat Extension Specialists provides materials that educators use in trainings for youth and meat consumers. The Lab also provides employment opportunities for students to gain additional experience in the meat processing industry. In addition, the MSU Meat Lab competes in multiple meat judging programs each year.Continue Reading… Find High-Quality Products at the MSU Meat Lab