Congratulations to the Jack Breslin Distinguished Staff Award Recipients!

The Jack Breslin Distinguished Staff Award honors six MSU support staff members annually. Colleagues submit nominations of individuals who demonstrate the qualities of Jack Breslin, who served MSU as a student leader, honored athlete, top administrator, and steadfast advocate, personifying the “Spartan Spirit.”

Congratulations to this year’s recipients: Jesse Alvarez, Ken Beer, Sarah Evans-Cain, Mark Fellows, Amanda Goll, and Darwin Meirndorf! These recipients display excellence in their job performance, supportive attitude, and contributions to MSU. On May 13, they were honored at an awards ceremony at the Kellogg Center along with the Ruth Jameyson Above and Beyond and Gliozzo Clerical-Technical Recognition award recipients.

Watch a recording of the event below or on YouTube:

You can learn more about each Jack Breslin award recipient below.

Jesse Alvarez

  • Jesse Alvarez (right) accepting the Jack Breslin Award from the presenter.
  • Jesse Alvarez speaking during the awards ceremony.
  • Jesse Alvarez surrounded by MSU colleagues, friends, and family.

Jesse Alvarez is the Law Clinic Manager in the College of Law and has been in his role for 13 years. He is known for his dedication, kindness, and humor. Jesse manages daily MSU Law Clinic operations and assists with projects involving space, systems, and services. He is good-natured, patient, and is considered the best resource for questions regarding office procedures and clinic operations. Here is what his colleagues had to say about him:

“For the purposes of the Jack Breslin Award, I challenge anyone to find someone who more deeply embodies the “Spartan Spirit” than Jesse Alvarez. Jesse does his work with a deep love for Michigan State University and the people who come here to study and work.”

“Jesse is that one-in-a-million staff person that ends up being the glue holding everything together. He is truly a friend and confidant to everyone he meets—faculty, staff, and students alike. He always goes above and beyond to help, often setting aside what he was working on to help. He is not simply the Law Clinic’s office manager, he is the heart of our operation, and he is bettering the lives of all of us.”

“In everything he does, Jesse is mission-driven. He asks himself not whether a task is part of his job but how he can improve the services, both legal and educational, that we seek to provide. He thinks creatively about how to accomplish goals. His understated manner belies his passion for our work and the indispensable role he plays in making it happen.”

Please watch the video below or on YouTube for a more personal look at Jesse:

Ken Beer

  • (left to right) Christina K. Brogdon (Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer), Ken Beer (Jack Breslin Award Recipient), Thomas Glasmacher (Interim Executive Vice President for Administration), and Ray Gasser (Chairman).
  • Ken Beer speaking behind a podium on stage during the awards ceremony.
  • Ken Beer holding his award certificate in the middle and surrounded by MSU colleagues, friends, and family.

Ken Beer is the Senior Fiscal Officer for the College of Communication Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office and has served MSU for over 22 years. Ken’s job duties include the management of all accounts and budget in the ComArtSci Dean’s Office. He is known as “Spartan Spirit” and “Spartans Will” personified. Ken is known, respected, and counted on across MSU for his extraordinary attention to detail, willingness to go the extra mile to help anyone who asks, and his ability to bring people together. Ken’s colleagues had this to say about him:

“Ken possesses a remarkable ability to anticipate the needs of his department and proactively address them. He consistently seeks ways to enhance our processes and procedures, always with a humble approach that considers the well-being of faculty, staff, students and college leaders.”

“Ken’s exceptional dedication, proactive approach, promotion of inclusivity, and unwavering commitment to the College and University make him a most deserving candidate for the Breslin Award. He is not only an asset to our college, but a shining example of what it means to be a Spartan.”

“Ken is one of the most caring people you will ever meet. He is the personification of what it means to be the salt of the earth. Professionally, he is dedicated to modeling what it means to be an outstanding collaborative caretaker of the College of Communication Art and Sciences finances. Personally, his positive, supportive attitude for all whom he meets, no matter their origin or position in life, illuminates what it means to be a true MSU Spartan.”

Please watch the video below or on YouTube for a more personal look at Ken:

Sarah Evans-Cain

  • (left to right) Thomas Glasmacher (Interim Executive Vice President for Administration), Sarah Evans-Cain (Jack Breslin Award Recipient), Christina K. Brogdon (Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer), and Ray Gasser (Chairman).
  • Sarah Evans-Cain shaking hands with the presenter as she accepts the Jack Breslin Award.
  • Sarah Evans-Cain standing behind a podium on stage and speaking during the awards ceremony.
  • Sarah Evans-Cain standing in the middle of a large group of MSU colleagues, friends, and family.

Sarah Evans-Cain serves as the Administrative Coordinator for the Lyman Briggs College. She has served MSU for over seven years and her duties include supporting the Assistant Dean, seven academic advisors, two career staff, supervising three student employees, and providing supportive service to 2,000 students and over 60 faculty in the college. She manages classroom scheduling, travel arrangements, calendaring for the SSA team, and academic processes like major changes, overrides, and degree certifications. Here is what her colleagues had to say:

“Sarah is an outstanding coworker. I’ve been continually impressed with her ability to approach every situation with patience, respect, and professionalism. She’s our first line of defense and oftentimes the first impression visitors have of LBC. She has an uncanny ability to make students and families feel comfortable and heard so they leave feeling supported. Sarah is always the first person to jump in and help with any situation and represents what it truly means to be a team player. Not only has she helped us all become better employees and better serve our students, but she also creates a welcoming environment where we all feel we can grow and learn because we’re supported.”

“What truly sets Sarah apart is her patience and kindness. No matter how many times I’ve sought clarification or assistance, she has consistently responded with unwavering patience. Moreover, Sarah consistently goes above and beyond in the office. Her flexibility during times of adversity showcases her care for our success and well-being.”

“Sarah adopts a well-rounded approach to ensure the success of both students and the team. Sarah’s approach to ensuring success is meticulously balanced, catering not only to the students but also to the team. Her empathetic and compassionate nature forms the backbone of her contributions while working with professional staff and students. Her exceptional foresight and intuition in assisting with the implementation of successful strategies are unparalleled, making her an invaluable asset to any team she works with.”

Please watch the video below or on YouTube for a more personal look at Sarah:

Mark Fellows

  • (left to right) Thomas Glasmacher (Interim Executive Vice President for Administration), Mark Fellows (Jack Breslin Award Recipient), Christina K. Brogdon (Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer), and Ray Gasser (Chairman).
  • Mark Fellows shakes hands with the presenter as he accepts the Jack Breslin Award.
  • Mark Fellows standing behind a podium on stage and speaking during the awards ceremony.

Mark Fellows is the Communications Manager in the Office of the President and has been with MSU for 15 years. Mark helps lead the development of primary communications materials for MSU’s president and collaborates with University Communications to design effective communications strategies and cultivate communication opportunities for the MSU president. He also works to elevate the reputation of Michigan State University by increasing the visibility of the president and the university in the news media. His colleagues had this to say about him: 

“Never one to settle for ‘acceptable,’ always one to push for distinctive value in his writing, Mark’s consistent adherence to a higher standard continues to guide his fundamental ethos and everyday approach to his work. While serving at a high level, and for the highest-profile leader at MSU, Mark has maintained a poised professionalism that embodies the university’s land-grant ethos—humble, hardworking, collaborative, forward-thinking, and inclusive.”

“The maturity, poise and professionalism Mark exhibits in his daily work provide a model for all with whom he interacts, creating a multiplier effect that encourages all to reach for such high standards. His even presence and kind words have buoyed me and others up during some challenging times and inspired us to bring our best selves to work every day.”

“Overall, Mark’s quiet, behind-the-scenes work has provided MSU’s presidents with solid support since 2009. It is the kind of work that is invisible to most, rarely lauded, but so fundamentally necessary to the daily needs of the president and the university. The unpretentious humility and keen intelligence of Mark’s character have undoubtedly contributed to his success in this role, a success worthy of praise and of recognition as a truly distinguished staff member of this great university.”

Please watch the video below or on YouTube for a more personal look at Mark:

Amanda Goll

  • (left to right) Thomas Glasmacher (Interim Executive Vice President for Administration), Amanda Goll (Jack Breslin Award Recipient), Christina K. Brogdon (Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer), and Ray Gasser (Chairman).
  • Amanda Goll shakes hands with the presenter as she accepts the Jack Breslin Award during the ceremony.
  • Amanda Goll standing behind a podium on stage and speaking during the awards ceremony.
  • Amanda Goll holding her certificate and standing in the middle of a large group of MSU colleagues, friends, and family.

Amanda Goll is the Deputy Chief of Staff for the Office of the President and has been with MSU for 13 years. She wears many hats in the President’s office including human resources officer, budget officer, fiscal officer, supervisor of the office receptionist, and business administrative manager. In addition, Amanda engages in special projects which include representing the President’s Office on university committees, supporting project management, and implementation of key initiatives across campus. Here is what her colleagues had to say:

“Amanda is one of the most trusted sources for advice and counsel among fiscal officers and HR professionals on campus. Through multiple transitions of Presidents, she has been a calm and steady influence with the President’s Office staff. Amanda is also a helpful guide for new staff and a listening ear for both new and experienced staff in navigating the complexity of transition at the very top of the institution. Amanda does this by making herself available as an empathetic listener, who seeks to build relationships and trust among those with whom she interacts.”

“Amanda has an incredible ‘can-do’ attitude that is both professional and welcoming. As one might imagine, the nature of issues she is often asked to resolve can be highly complex and sensitive in nature. Amanda’s creativity and intelligence enable her to handle such complex issues expertly and quickly. Her strong working relationships across departments contribute to her success in tackling what can be very thorny issues.”

“Amanda leads with a focus on being open‐minded, calm, and patient. I know when I meet with Amanda that I have her undivided attention. She is connected and listens. She brings commitment and dedication to any topic and is a highly collaborative partner. Additionally, she is one to ensure all viewpoints are addressed. It’s with her keen sense of listening and observation skills that she can identify and understand needs and initiate ways to support efforts to address those needs.”

Please watch the video below or on YouTube for a more personal look at Amanda:

Darwin Meirndorf

  • (left to right) Thomas Glasmacher (Interim Executive Vice President for Administration), Darwin Merindorf (Jack Breslin Award Recipient), Christina K. Brogdon (Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer), and Ray Gasser (Chairman).
  • Darwin Merindorf hugs the presenter on stage as he accepts the award during the ceremony.
  • Darwin Merindorf standing behind a podium on stage and speaking during the awards ceremony.
  • Darwin Merindorf holding a certificate and standing in the middle of a large group of MSU colleagues, friends, and family.

Darwin Meirndorf is a boiler mechanic with Infrastructure Planning and Facilities and has been with MSU for 43 years. His work includes customer service, maintaining HVAC and boiler equipment, and coordinating with others across the university on essential mechanical system issues. Darwin’s colleagues had this to say about him:

“Over my years of service at the University, I’ve had conversations with a variety of individuals from different departments. Their stories and interactions are all the same when they speak of Darwin. They all talk about his hard work, knowledge, accountability, character, customer service and actions of going above and beyond his normal job duties. He is always the first person to help family, friends, and the community food bank outside of work as well. He is the type of individual who represents MSU in every aspect the university is looking for in an employee. I know in my heart he is very deserving of this award.”

“Darwin interacts well with customers and coworkers, showing care and consideration for others. During my time working with Darwin, I noticed that when dealing with customers, he would be sure to make initial contact with them to hear their concerns before going to work on the problem. This increases efficiency and reduces the need for a return call by knowing more than just the basic information relayed through the work order. In addition, he made sure to follow up with them to let them know the status of the situation, be it resolved or needing further action from him. Darwin has always been willing to assist anyone in the HVAC shop and make sure everyone is taken care of.”

“I would not be where I am today without Darwin’s knowledge and expertise guiding me and teaching me. Darwin will go anywhere and do anything to help solve my problems. He is priceless. Tears were in my eyes when I gave him a hug before he walked out the door for retirement in 2012, and I was elated when he returned to the university in 2016.”

Please watch the video below or on YouTube for a more personal look at Darwin:

All photo credit: Dane Robison/TimeFramePhoto

All video credit: Cheeney Media Concepts

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