continues to provide a great service for MSU!

Since 2011, MSU has been partnered with to provide in-home care services for faculty, staff, and students, and the service has proven to benefit the University over the last MSU logo posts profiles of high-quality care providers anywhere in the country for its members. Services such as child care, senior/elder support, pet careĀ  and more are all provided in the family’s home. MSU employees and students are entitled to a free membership with, in which they can search for providers or post job listings. All providers have gone through background checks and members have access to reviews and references as well.Continue Reading… continues to provide a great service for MSU!

“Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest Answers and Winners

Thanks to everyone who played our “Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest! We can now share the campus locations of our piggy bank mascot:

Piggy Bank
Our FSA piggy bank mascot was spotted at Spartan Stadium!
  1. Wharton Center
  2. The Guernsey Michigan Garden in the Arboretum
  3. Case Hall
  4. Mary Mayo Hall
  5. Spartan Stadium
  6. Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum
  7. Bessey HallContinue Reading… “Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest Answers and Winners

“Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest 2012!

During this yearā€™s Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Open Enrollment, our piggy bank mascot disappeared! We caught sight of him at several places on campus. We hope you can help us find him!Piggy Bank

Visit this link to enter our ā€œWhereā€™s the FSA Pig?ā€ contest! There are seven photos, and you need to guess where the piggy bank is in each of these photos taken on MSUā€™s campus. The first person to guess all the photos correctly by 1 p.m. on Monday, November 12 will win an FSA piggy bank. If nobody guesses all locations correctly, the winner will be the first person to get the most locations right by Monday, November 12. Weā€™re also holding this contest on Facebook and Twitter. There will be one winner from each website!Continue Reading… “Where’s the Pig?” FSA Contest 2012!

Come one, come all to the MSU Broad Art Museum!

This weekend marks the grand opening of Michigan State Universityā€™s Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum.

The museum will be dedicated on Saturday, November 10, and registered guests can attend the dedication ceremony and enjoy previews of the museumā€™s art galleries.

On Sunday, November 11, the museum will be open to the public and will host an all-day open house with free events. The festivities start at 10 a.m. with a showing on the museums process from conception to completion. Attendees also can enjoy an architectural tour discussing the building concepts and features of the museum, and meet with Broad staff and others to discuss the formation and future of the museum.Continue Reading… Come one, come all to the MSU Broad Art Museum!

Abrams Planetarium Brings the Wonders of the Universe to MSU!

Do you ever look up in the sky and wonder whatā€™s out there? Tour the cosmos and have your questions answered right here on campus at Abrams Planetarium!

Located near Shaw Ln. and Farm Ln., Abrams Planetarium serves as an astronomy and space science education resource center for central Michigan; and is currently showing two low-cost programs dedicated to teaching you about the universe and how it works.Continue Reading… Abrams Planetarium Brings the Wonders of the Universe to MSU!

It’s National Work and Family Month!

In celebration of National Work and Family Month this October, employers will promote the various ways in which they support the work-life needs of their employee’s as they juggle their competing demands and responsibilities between their personal lives and career goals. MSU offers a wide variety of services and support to ensure job satisfaction, increase recruitment, productivity and engagement. The Family Resource Center is proud to announce this collaborative community event that will be held October 24, 2012. It is free and open to the public.

Optimal Aging Event FlierContinue Reading… It’s National Work and Family Month!

Homecoming 2012: Spartans Will… Make History

Homecoming week is here, ending with the MSU vs. Iowa game on Saturday, October 13. This yearā€™s theme is ā€œSpartans Willā€¦ Make History,ā€ celebrating the history of MSU and those who have contributed to its legacy. The 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act will be celebrated as well.

The newest homecoming tradition, ā€œGlow Green,” is back this year! To celebrate the week, swap your porch light for a green bulb to celebrate Homecoming. A photo contest will be held for the best home, apartment or resident hall room as well. Check out the information page to find out more.Continue Reading… Homecoming 2012: Spartans Will… Make History

A New Way to Eat on Campus: the MSU Food Truck is Here!

Rolling out onto MSUā€™s campus, brought to you by MSU Culinary Services, is the Eat at State On-The-Go Food Truck. This innovative food vendor is changing the meaning of eating on campus and offering convenient meals around campus.

Packed inside the electrically-powered food truck is a flat-top grill, a hot box, a refrigerator, a bakery cabinet, a generator and a three-compartment sink. The paint job of the food truck features tweets and quotes from Eat at Stateā€™s social media followers who submitted the best ideas. ā€œGreen Machine,ā€ ā€œST82PL8ā€ and ā€œGo Green Cuisineā€ were the top submissions and they can be seen wrapped around throughout the truckā€™s design.Continue Reading… A New Way to Eat on Campus: the MSU Food Truck is Here!

Get your move on at MSU Moves Me: Rock, Walk-n-Roll

Need to get out of the office? Take a break between classes? Havenā€™t left your computer screen since the semester started? Come join the MSU community for MSU Moves Meā€™s FIRST fall activity: MSU Moves Me: Rock, Walk-n-Roll!

On Friday, September 21 at 12:15 p.m., MSU Moves Me will gather at ā€˜the Rock,ā€™ on Farm Lane, to walk a mile for fitness. Everyone is welcome to join for refreshments, prizes and fun along the river!

MSU Moves Me centers their goals on encouraging participants to maintain or measurably increase their physical activity throughout their everyday lives.Continue Reading… Get your move on at MSU Moves Me: Rock, Walk-n-Roll

Faculty and Staff Discounts at the MSU Computer Store!

Located in 110 Computer Center, the MSU Computer Store has plenty of deals and specials for all MSU faculty and staff.Ā  Some of these specials include: