Visit Olin Health Center for a full range of services

Olin Health Center doesn’t only serve students. Faculty and staff can take advantage of the conveniently located center for a wide array of services. The spouse and children of an employee or retiree are also eligible for these services.

Olin Health Center on a summer day
Olin Health Center often schedules same-day services by appointment.

Here are some of the services available to employees:


Have you ever wondered how fit you are? Schedule a LIFE:Rx appointment to receive a comprehensive fitness evaluation, wellness assessment and individualized lifestyle and exercise prescription.

Massage, Reiki, and Reflexology

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but too much of it can lead to health problems. Schedule an appointment for a relaxing 30-minute or one-hour session of massage, Reiki or reflexology.

Allergy injections and Immunizations

After you obtain a prescribed allergy serum, Olin Health Center can administer it. Your allergist can mail in the serum or it can be dropped off during drop-off times. Olin Health Center offers many immunizations by appointment, including the flu shot.


No appointment is necessary to take a quick sample for lab testing. An order from your health care provider is required, but Olin Health Center will perform the test and send results back to the provider.

Physical therapy

It can be tough to recover after an injury or other health-related problem, but the specialists at Olin Health Center are ready to help MSU employees with physical therapy. Olin also offers video gait or cyclist analysis, which can help to correct posture and other running or cycling variables and even prevent potential injury.


Olin Pharmacy, a part of MSU HealthTeam Pharmacy, also offers many helpful services. It delivers prescriptions for free to on-campus locations and can include over-the-counter products in that delivery order. The pharmacy fills and refills prescriptions and offers free patient consultation. The next time you need to stop at the drugstore, try Olin first for low-cost over-the-counter products.

Call 353-4660 to schedule an appointment. Olin Health Center will work with your insurance provider. Please contact your insurance directly for any questions you have regarding coverage or co-pays.

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