Go Green for the environment

Different seasons present new environmentally related problems and opportunities. Here are a few easy tips, provided in part by MSU Sustainability, about the best ways to pursue an eco-friendly summer.

Be Spartan Green items
Be Spartan Green by doing your part for MSU and the Earth!

Stay hydrated on hot days

Ditch disposable water bottles. Remember to bring a reusable bottle to campus and utilize one of MSU’s many water refill stations.

Enjoy the daylight

Lighting consumes 27 to 43 percent of the electricity used in a typical commercial building. Take advantage of sunny summer days and reduce your energy consumption by using natural light when possible. You can also use a mirror to magnify available light sources.

Keep cool inside

Use window fans to bring in cool air at night and expel hot air during the day. Many buildings at MSU do this, but on a much larger scale. If you have a ceiling fan, set it to counterclockwise.

Take advantage of the fresh air

Take in some campus scenery by biking or walking to work or your next meeting. It’s a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative to driving. You can also use a clothesline instead of a dryer to reduce energy usage and have wonderful-smelling laundry.

Improve lawn care

To preserve water, turn the sprinklers on in the morning and use rain barrels. Reducing the use of pesticides and using compost as a natural fertilizer are also great ways to keep your gardening “green.” Find out more instructional composting details from MSU Extension here and learn how one Spartan has helped to implement composting in MSU offices here. Read a more detailed explanation and instructions on sustainable lawn care here.

Buy local

The large amount of shipping and packaging necessary for the function of normal grocery stores is harmful to the environment. Visit the East Lansing Farmer’s Market or the Student Organic Farm’s farm stand for fresh and locally grown fruits, veggies and other essentials.

Keep our campus and waterways Spartan Green

Our campus is sacred to Spartans near and far. Prevent campus litter and dispose of waste responsibly—recycle.

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