March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.  According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, colorectal cancer is the second highest cancer killer in the U.S.

Staying healthy requires regular checkups and screening tests.

Colorectal cancer develops when cells that aren’t normal grow in your colon or rectum. These cells grow together and form polyps. Over time, some polyps can turn into cancer.

The American Cancer Society provides tips to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer in the following flyer.

Colorectal cancer, like so many other health-related topics, can be complex and confusing. Sometimes you have questions for which you need answers, but you don’t know who to talk to. That’s where Health Advocate comes in.

Health Advocate is an independent personal advocacy service that can help guide you through the health care system. Health Advocate can help you understand test results, treatments and medications, advise you of your appeal rights for bills from health professionals, assist you in negotiating payment plans, and much more.

Health Advocate is available to benefits-eligible faculty and staff enrolled in MSU’s Community Blue PPO, Blue Care Network, or the CDHP/HSA plan. Health Advocate is also available to eligible faculty and staff members’ extended family, such as a spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law.

Health Advocate staff members are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. On weekends and after 9 p.m., you can leave a message with an operator and a staff member from Health Advocate will return your call.

For answers to your medical questions and to save time and money, call Health Advocate toll-free at 1-855-425-8585.

Find out more information about Health Advocate here.

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