Congratulations to everyone who participated in the first MSU Moves Me 2012 Challenge!

While only the winner and 10 runner-up teams are recognized, everyone who participated is a winner for their activity and engagement. The majority of challenge participants maintained or increased their amount of physical activity, and we hope that continues past the challenge!
The MSU Moves Administrative Team is thankful for the large amount of people who took part in the first all-campus challenge. There were 1185 participants on 137 teams, and those numbers exceeded the goals for the first challenge.
The MSU Moves Me 2012 Challenge is the first in what is expected to be a series of challenges. The MSU Moves Administrative Team will soon begin planning a challenge for the fall. They also hope to continue improving the MSU Moves application and challenge. They appreciate the feedback they’ve gotten from participants, and they encourage you to continue sharing your feedback. You can email to share your thoughts!
And now, here are your winners, along with their MSU affiliations!
Overall Winner: The Strikers (Graduate Students – Psychology)
10 Runner-Up Teams:
- RNs: We Work Out (Staff/Students – Nursing)
- Team GLBRC (Staff – Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center)
- OISS CPT = Cardio Practical Training (Staff/Students – Office of International Students and Scholars)
- RA RA’s (Staff – Contract and Grants Administration & Enterprise Business Systems)
- N33D H31P? (Staff – Academic Technology Services)
- OSA-Our Sneakers Ablazin’! (Staff – Office of Study Abroad)
- KIN for the WIN (Students – Kinesiology)
- A – team (Faculty – Advertising, Public Relations & Retailing)
- Surplus Store & Recycling ( Staff – Surplus Store & Recycling Center)
- Go Lean Go Lite (Faculty, Staff & Students – Plant Pathology)
The “Go Lean Go Lite” team is from Plant Pathology, not Plant Biology. There seems to be a problem with gettiing this correct.
Sorry about that, Shelley! I’ve updated the post.