Energy Transition Plan Trivia

Michigan State University’s Energy Transition Plan was created by the Energy Transition Steering Committee, to develop a long-term plan that will help MSU reliably meet its future energy needs while considering future energy costs and environmental impacts. The committee recommends that the long-term vision for the university should be to transition to a campus completely powered by 100% renewable energy sources. President Simon has received the plan from the committee, and the MSU Board of Trustees is scheduled to vote on the plan in April.

Everyone should become familiar with the plan before it is voted on… so we decided to make it fun! Read through the plan and try to find the answers to the questions below. If you are one of the first two people to email the most correct answers to, you will receive a special Be Spartan Green goody bag! We will announce the winners on Monday. Good luck!Energy Transition Graphic

Approximately, how many buildings are there on MSU’s campus that require a constant flow of energy?

  1. 150
  2. 300
  3. 350
  4. 550

What was MSU’s spending budget for energy in the Financial Year of 2011?

  1. $40 million
  2. $60 million
  3. $80 million
  4. $100 million

Which energy source does the T.B Simon Power Plant NOT burn to create heat and electricity for campus?

  1. Petroleum
  2. Coal
  3. Biomass
  4. Natural Gas

If MSU does not create a new energy plan, what year is it expected that MSU will reach its firm capacity for electricity?

  1. 2033
  2. 2036
  3. 2039
  4. 2042

Which  of the following is NOT one of the goals for the new Energy Transition plan?

  1. Improve the physical environment
  2. Invest in sustainable energy research and development
  3. Become and educational leader in sustainable energy
  4. None of the above, they are all goals for the Energy Transition plan

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