Job of the Week: University Events Coordinator

This week’s featured job is a University Event Coordinator for Registered Student Organizations (job posting 957343), part of the Office of Spartan Experience. The Division of Student Life and Engagement is looking for an individual to supervise the registration of student organizations, plan events, and tend to fall and spring welcome events such as Sparticipation and Springticipation. The Office of Spartan Experiences pride themselves on creating opportunities for students to greater their relationships and goals with the school and their communities.

As the University Events Coordinator, you would be in charge of managing multiple existing initiatives while also implementing new initiatives that align with the school’s core values and inclusivity. You will collaborate with organizations such as the Spartan Leadership Center and the MSU Student Union Advisory Committee to carry out the tasks at hand. A crucial part of this position to be noted is you will be responsible for keeping student leaders safe, especially after late-night events. In this position, you will be responsible for running both committees associated with MSU and for enhancing the overall student experience.

To apply for this position, you should have a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations, Communications, Business, etc. or have experience equivalent to one of those degrees. It is also important to have 3–5 years of work experience in PR or communications. You will be working heavily in planning and managing special events and use online tools such as spreadsheets, databases, desktop publishing and virtual presentations, so it is also crucial that you come in with background knowledge in these areas.

To learn more, visit the Registered Student Organizations website. To apply for the position, please submit a resume and cover letter to the Careers at MSU website by June 25th.

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