Protect Your Personal Information With Safe Computing Practices

In our technology-dependent world, itā€™s important to follow safe computing practices so that you are protected against viruses, spyware and scams. If your computer is infected with spyware and viruses, your personal and financial information is at risk.

Practice safe computing so that your personal information is protected.

In order to keep yourself and your information safe, there are several computer best practices that you should be following with your personal devices:

  1. Be sure to turn on your personal firewall.
  2. Perform regular operating system, software and app updates because they usually include security patches.
  3. Install antivirus and antispyware software on your computer.
  4. Upgrade to the latest version of your browser and take advantage of the security features that they offer.

You can learn more about computer best practices on the SecureIT website. SecureIT also provides information on phishing, passwordsĀ and file sharing/copyright.

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